Bankruptcy Attorney in Ridgefield, Illinois

Bankrupcy Attorney Services in Ridgefield, Illlinois

Are you struggling to manage your debt? Consider filing for bankruptcy with the help our attorneys. Serving Union, Illinois.

Filing for bankruptcy is an important decision that has significant implications for your life. But when a financial disaster occurs, and mounting debt begins to feel unmanageable, bankruptcy can provide relief. At Carroll & Carroll Attorneys at Law, we help you decide if filing for bankruptcy is the best solution. Attorney Peter Carroll is an experienced negotiator and often works with creditors to develop out-of-court solutions that avoid bankruptcy. We may be able to negotiate a smaller debt amount payable in more manageable monthly installments. Chapter 7 Bankruptcies allow you to wipe away your debt and start over again, while retaining the assets which are exempt from collection. At Carroll & Carroll Attorneys at Law, we correspond with your creditors from the moment you file for bankruptcy and act entirely on your behalf.

Stop dealing with creditors

Filing a bankruptcy petition automatically triggers an automatic stay, meaning creditors must immediately stop collection letters and phone calls.

We review your debts, income and expenses, and we explain the full effects of bankruptcy on your family, business, home ownership and access to credit.


Call today and get your FREE, expert consultation on bankruptcy options